Friday, February 4, 2011

Just catching up

Hello to anyone who investigates this page!

I've recently re-discovered this blog which I had forgotten had made a long time ago. As such, I've decided to update it with my photos and projects of the last few years. This may be a very long process.

I'm warning you all now, the work I'm posting will probably not be in complete chronological order, being as I'm digging everything out of folders on my computer after 5 years of getting all mixed up. I'll try to put it in the post when things were done/created/taken if I still remember or was smart enough to label it.

Everything I post will be my own work, unless specifically noted otherwise. Pictures will be the main focus I imagine, though other crafts and projects will also be noted (hopefully, if they were documented). The photos will have been taken with whatever was closest at hand when I saw something pretty. This could mean my camera, my phone, or a friends camera.

Best wishes to anyone reading this, and please feel free to comment on my photos, etc. One last thing- my pictures are not 'high art'. I don't have an especially fancy camera, and like I said some of these pictures were even taken with cell phone cameras. I take pictures to capture something that appeals to me, so the subject matter is the focus of my work in nearly every case.

That all being said, I hope you enjoy my humble attempts! Cheers to all!

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