Saturday, February 5, 2011

Oregon Caves

Oregon Caves, September 2010, digital camera. Lighting was well, dark. So I relied on my flash entirely, being as I was underground. It did better than expected. 
The entrance to the journey...
The most interesting thing was these walls and rock formations. They look like they're melting, because of the way they form by dripping down from above.

There were some formations heading up...

But most pointed down...

Made it through! Whew. The path back down.

It was a seriously foggy day.

Lots of fog, and lots of trees.

Rogue River OR

Gorgeous place on the Upper Rogue River. Very calm in places, and very violent in others. Great rapids, except it's too narrow (at this place) to raft. September 2010. Digital camera. 

The river has cut itself a deep water way, which funnels the river into a narrower, faster moving body of water at the bottom. The faster water movement in turn erodes the canyon deeper, and the cycle goes on-it's a self-perpetuating system. Thus, the river gets more violent and powerful every year.

Outdoor Projects of Summer and Fall 2010

I've always liked projects. Especially the do it yourself and have fun, a sense of accomplishment and save money kind. Summer is the prime time for that, because I have more time, more daylight, and the ability to work outside. So summer came, and with it the season of many projects.
First I wanted to build a trellis to get more plant-growing room in a very small patio area.
Then came the need for a front door display.

Then summer turned to fall and the front door display wilted, and was no longer seasonally appropriate, so that needed fixing, of course.

But I bought too many gourds, so it led to a secondary display...

At which point I decided I needed a bigger patio in general, so we expanded. Used only paving bricks and sand, so it's not technically permanent. It gives us another 3 feet or so out, and another 2 feet wide. 

More later on other endeavors I attempted.

A Walk in the Woods

Found a pretty path that wound around a natural woods and meadow area. Rich warm afternoon lighting, which is one of my favorites. September, 2010, digital camera.

Crater Lake

September 2010, digital camera. Very blue water, and very blue skies. And a very cute chipmunk.