Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lincoln City 2011

Lincoln City, September 2011. Caught a pretty sunset that made the beach seem almost surreal. 

 Sculpture in a public area near the beach. 

Hike along a creek

Found a random creek off the beaten path in the Coast range. Was too dark to get many good shots, but I got a few acceptable ones. August 2011.

 I have no idea how that tiny stream uprooted and carried this big tree, but nevertheless, it's a cool root ball. 

4th of July in the park

In Alton Baker park in Eugene, for 4th of July.

 I love the way sunlight looks filtering through leaves.
 Found some very pretty flowers as I wandered. 

 Almost dark enough for the anticipated fireworks!
 And then the fireworks finally began!

McKenzie river

McKenzie river, upriver of Eugene. Such a magnificent work of nature! The waterfall where we started our hike.

And here's with a person, for scale...
 What a gorgeous, powerful river. 

Clear Lake

Visiting Clear Lake in Oregon. It's actually quite clear. Pictures can't capture it, but you can see down hundreds of feet into the water, all the way to the petrified trees at the bottom of the lake, which were preserved by the ice cold water when a valley flooded and became a lake.

 Found a mama duck with her babies in the marsh at the edge of the lake. Very cute!

Belknap hot springs and surrounding area

Trip to Belknap hot springs. This was a wood carving they had outside their main lodge. I'm a fan of silhouettes for things like this.  
 The McKenzie river, which flowed through the camp.

 Went on a hike, and found these wildflowers growing by a pond
 Trying to capture the ripples on the clear water. There were so many trees near this pond that the water looks bright green from the reflections!
 Found a lovely butterfly who stopped to say hello. Got some pretty good shots of it.

 The view from the top of a nearby mountain we drove up. Beautiful country.

The forests of Southern Oregon

Took a trip to camp in Southern Oregon in June, 2011. Pictures taken with my HP camera. Everything was so green. The meadows were such a bright green, they looked unreal.

 Cool tree roots.

 Beautiful mountain through the trees!
 Lake of the Woods.